Our 2024 Gala, "Rooted in Boone County", is this November 7. Get sponsorships and tickets →

Kids and teens are waiting for someone like you to begin

Mentoring in Boone County

We’re here to help you step up and change lives

Boone County Mentoring Partnership updates

News and updates from our blog

Rooted in Boone County written next to a colorful tree with roots.

Rooted in Boone County Gala, coming November 7, 2024

BCMP’s 2024 Gala is coming up Thursday, November 7, 2024 at the Golf Club of Indiana. Here’s how to get tickets, sponsorships, and more.
A child and man pose while playing mini golf.

How can I be a great mentor? It’s more than just being a role model

Mentoring young people — whether it’s professional growth on the job or as a friendly relationship to build rapport — is all about understanding and serving the mentee’s goals. That sounds easy enough, but many young people inherently do not know or think much about their own goals. Even if … Read more
An adult man gives golf lessons to a young boy on a putting green.

2024 Fore the Kids Golf Outing now open for teams and sponsors

The annual “Fore” the Kids benefits Sylvia’s Child Advocacy Center and Boone County Mentoring Partnership.

What are the benefits of mentoring youth for the mentors? More than you probably know

We know kids and teens who have mentors are far more likely to have better school attendance, avoid substance abuse, enroll in college or vocational programs as young adults, and are far more likely to succeed in school and careers as a result. 

“If I mentor, what would we do?”

A world of opportunities in Central Indiana await

Lucas and Max boating in a small pond.

Camping & the outdoors

Camping, hiking, and the outdoors are a great way to spend time with young adults. Explore Indiana’s State Parks for little or no cost to you, or just spend time walking around great regional city parks around Indianapolis.

A teen tees up at Top Golf in Fishers as an adult mentor watches nearby.

Sports and fitness

Create strong bonds together by catching an Indians game Downtown, or playing putt-putt mini golf, pickleball, tennis, swimming, or countless other sports. We can help you find facilities and cover some costs, too.

A young boy and adult mentor work assembling sandwiches in a kitchen.

Learning by doing

Explore the art installations at Newfields, take a tour at the Indianapolis Zoo, or just get out in the garage repairing a car, build a deck, or stay inside and bake a tasty dessert. Even simple activities that share skills can be enriching.

Boone County youth need mentors like you

It takes a community

Over 100 active matches are happening right now in Boone County. Dozens more are waiting for a caring adult like you to step up.

Mentoring helps youth become better versions of themselves and can help adult mentors feel younger, do great work, and discover more about themselves, too.

The Boone County Mentoring Partnership pairs adult mentors with kids from all backgrounds, including referrals from schools, community partners, and caring parents who want what’s best for their kids.

You can be the reason a young person:

Catches up academically
Finishes a degree
Uncovers a new activity or passion
Develops a taste for the arts
Explores new parts of Indiana
Goes on interesting trips
Rediscovers who they are and what they can be

Mentoring lasts a lifetime

It all starts with you

Mentoring doesn’t have to be expensive or complicated. All we ask is you devote four hours a month, or about an hour a week. Youth ages 7-17 are eligible. The effort may only take 48 hours a year, but the benefits last a lifetime.

Want to help but not ready or can’t commit to mentor?

Donations in time and money are just as valuable

Maybe you travel a lot for work or medical issues prevent you from taking part. You can still donate money to help us cover facility rentals, tickets, and events. We can also use short-term volunteers to help us organize regular “Mentoring Day” events, races, fundraisers, and other activities.

What parents and teachers say

Before and after mentoring was like night and day. Grades improved, attendance went up, and a student at real risk of dropping out of high school became interested in life after college.

— Susan D.

After my husband died a few years ago our son just didn’t have a strong father figure in their life. I knew he needed someone, and while I tried to be that someone, a mentor was able to fill a small part of his life in ways we never thought possible.

— Kate S.

Sometimes kids get picked up by the police for doing silly kid stuff. But other times that behavior escalates into the court system. Nothing is more successful at intervening in a kid’s life than mentoring. I’ve seen mentors turn kids’ lives around in weeks.

Adam R.

“I thought it would be boring.”

The following transcript was generated with the help of AI. Accuracy is not guaranteed.

At first I thought that it was going to be boring and that it’s just going to be a waste of my time and that this person is never going to be as close to me as my family is. I thought it was going to be boring. I thought it was going to be like a counselor and stuff like that. And I just thought it wasn’t going to be like entertaining or we weren’t going to do anything fun. [MUSIC] It is nothing like that. As soon as they met me, they treated me like family. And they invited me in and just made it easier for me to like go like accept being in there. Once I got to know her she became more like a grandparent to me. She’s welcomed me into her family. She spends a lot of money on me when she doesn’t have to and I love her. She’s like my grandparent. When I first met him my mom took a photo of me and him because I was standing on a chair beside him so I can match his height. Went to a couple of those trainings and there was times that you said you know there was gonna be rough patches or whatever. Well I mean Marion’s been great like you can’t have an easier-going guy than him. My mom’s a single mother and she’s blind and she does everything to care for me and I try my best to help her. Sometimes she has diabetic attacks and I have to help her get through that. Sometimes I’m like stressed at home then he picks me up from my house and we go do something fun and it relieves all that stress. He’s kind of growing up in the area with me and with my kids. He’s hard not to be part of the family. His family is like a second family to me because his kids are like nieces and nephews to me and it’s funny because I watched some of his kids grow up. He’s like a second father figure to me and he helps me through a lot. If you’re on the fence, there’s lots of things we do that don’t matter this much. However you want to look at it, but we do a lot of things that are surely for our enjoyment and fun. While we can have fun, this is more important. [MUSIC] [Music] (music fades) [Music].

Mentorship changes lives

Dozens of kids in Boone County are waiting

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