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Thanks to everyone who helped raise $16,000 for Boone Co. Mentoring and Sylvia’s CAC

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And special thanks to the Boone Co. Sheriff’s Department and Fluor

Thanks to everyone who helped make the first ever Fore the Kids Golf Outing a huge success this October 2. The event was a sell-out with dozens of players and sponsors who helped raise $16,867.

Proceeds from the outing will be split evenly between Sylvia’s CAC and the Boone County Mentoring Partnership. 

Both organizations share significant overlap in their mission to help kids in Boone County. Sylvia’s CAC works exclusively with children and non-offending caregivers who have suffered abuse, neglect, and maltreatment. The Mentoring Partnership works with kids and young teens of all backgrounds, pairing them with caring adult mentors.

Money raised from this event will help the CAC fund child abuse prevention trainings and workshops for adults and kids. The Mentoring Partnership will use proceeds to fund outreach and networking efforts to encourage more volunteers to mentor young people in Boone County.

Both organizations want to extend a special thanks to the Boone County Sheriff’s Department and Fluor, a global construction and engineering company leading several expansive projects in Boone County. In addition to being premiere sponsors of the outing, both are critical partners in helping us do our work.

You can still donate to the Boone County Mentoring Partnership and Sylvia’s CAC anytime, online.

Mentorship changes lives

Dozens of kids in Boone County are waiting

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