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Help kids get to grade-level literacy with ReadUp

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Boone County Mentoring Partnership is partnering with United Way of Central Indiana to pair volunteers with elementary-age kids around Boone County.

Volunteers spend an hour reading with two students for 30 minutes each week, helping students get on track – and stay on track – with grade-level literacy.

ReadUp United Way of Central Indiana's Literacy Initiative logo

What’s at stake in Boone County?

1 in 8

About 12-13% of Boone County 3rd graders, or about 1 out of 8, didn’t pass the IREAD exam in 2024.


Students not at grade level by 3rd grade are 4x more likely to drop out of high school later and risk future loss of earnings.

Act Now

A growing body of research shows intervention around 3rd grade helps kids transition from “learning to read” to “reading to learn.”

Barriers to reading shouldn’t hold kids back in Boone County

Barriers to proficient reading vary. English may be a second language in their home, they may face challenges at home, or might just lack someone to read to them in English.

You can help by volunteering an hour of your time to serve two students each week at an elementary school close to you.

Sign up to Volunteer

Mentorship changes lives

Dozens of kids in Boone County are waiting

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